How It Works

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Why Other Locks Don’t Keep You Safe

In this day and age, safety is everything. When we come home, we get inside, we lock our doors and we believe that that will keep us safe from the dangers of outside. Sadly though, that lock really isn’t as safe as you think it is. Why?

In the United States alone, 1 home is burglarized every 14 seconds and of those homes invasions, more than 40 percent happen through the FRONT door. What does that tell us?

Burglars know what they’re are doing and when deciding to break in, they choose the path of least resistance. With more then 40% of break-ins happening through the Front door, that means that lock on your front door isn’t doing the job you thought it was.

There are other locks out there that claim to offer added security but most lack 3 major factors:

  • 1)  The Security Offered is Minimal
  • 2)  They Can Still Be Easily Compromised
  • 3)  They Offer NO Security After Your Door Has Been Opened

So how do you combat these issues. Is there a lock that provides maximum security, is simple to use, and that doesn’t sacrifice your safety after the door has been opened?

Yes. And the GuardianAngle Lock is the solution.

How Does Our Lock Work?


The Guardian Angle lock is unlike any other. It is installed at the base of the door and leverages the floor space making kicking in your door virtually impossible.

Now there are other locks that offer a similar capabilities but the Guardian Angle Lock stands above the rest of these. Our lock comes with TWO security settings.

1) Closed Position

2) Safe Viewing Position



What does this mean? It means that while in the safe viewing position, you can open your door to see who is outside without sacrificing your safety. For example, lets say you leave your kids home with the baby sitter and there is an unexpected visitor. She opens the door and worst case senario a masked man is standing on the other side ready to push into your home with your children inside. It’s a nightmare to think about but similar situations have happened many times before.

With any other lock, this could be easily accomplished but not so with the Guardian Angle Lock. The Guardian Angle Lock offers maximum protection in the Closed and Safe Viewing Position.

So lets review. The Guardian Angle Lock:

    • Provides MAXIMUM Security
    • Is So Easy To Use, A Kid Could Do it
    • Allows You To Open Your Door Without Sacrificing Your Safety

Don’t Wait Another Minute! Order Your Guardian Angle Lock Today and Keep Your Family Safe!
